The Rejoicing Spirits ministry reaches out to enrich the spiritual lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, caregivers and other supportive community members.

The ministry is built around a free-flowing worship service set in a free and expressive environment to be more welcoming to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Worshippers are also given the opportunity to gather together for community and friendship.

Learn more about the model.

Congregational Renewal

Churches that use the Rejoicing Spirits model are able to serve and grow with people with disabilities, but also:
•    Experience a renewed sense of mission and call to service.
•    Tend to view each other, not just people with disabilities, with a more compassionate eye.
•    Foster a more creative spirit and take more risks in other areas of ministry.

Explore Starting Rejoicing Spirits at Your Church

Supported by the national support office of Mosaic, a faith-based nonprofit dedicated to providing “a life of possibilities for people with intellectual disabilities,” Rejoicing Spirits' national office provides resources, support and coaching for congregations to include people with disabilities in their worship communities.

Congregations that choose to become a Rejoicing Spirits Host Site receive coaching calls offering guidance and direction, a wide range of start up materials and templates, and on-going support from the Rejoicing Spirits National Supports Office.

Explore Hosting a Site