
Kelli JosephBlessings from Mosaic! 

My name is Kelli Joseph and I am the new Community Relations Coordinator supporting Rev. Dave deFreese and Rejoicing Spirits.


By Glen Stewart

Rejoicing Spirits Host Site Leader

As we enter our fifth year of hosting Rejoicing Spirits worship services at St. John Lutheran Church in Ocean City, New Jersey, it’s heartwarming to reflect on the joy and love that have been shared among our faith family. Five years of sharing our faith and message of salvation. Five years of truly remarkable worship services. Five years of joyous singing and dancing. Five years of big smiles and even bigger hugs. Five years of Rejoicing Spirits!


It’s helpful to have a basic understanding of how behavior works, whether it’s desirable behavior or undesirable behavior. All behavior that is repeated serves a purpose for that person; it meets a need. Behavior ultimately allows the person to get something, get away from something, or both. Often the person who does the behavior may not realize the outcome of the behavior. Behavior that works is likely to be repeated, regardless of whether or not it’s desirable to others. Behaviors that do not work will eventually discontinue. 


This is a season of light. As the days get longer and the sun rises almost imperceptibly earlier in our daily routines, we celebrate the Great Light seen by the people who walked in darkness, the Light that lightens  the nations.

Our Sunday morning Gospel lessons reflect that theme, and all the new beginnings that accompany it—John crying out in the wilderness, baptism, temptations in the wilderness, and ultimately calling the disciples.


A Spirit of Power and Love

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love.” - II Timothy 1:7

“SWING! Get the bat off your shoulders.”


My first year at Mosaic, I intentionally took more time to listen to the experiences of people with intellectual disabilities and their loved ones talk about life, faith and how Mosaic can better serve in the world.

One story stuck with me.

A faith community was starting a Rejoicing Spirits ministry.

They had publicized a worship service “for all” when they received a lengthy letter from a parent.

At the end of the letter the parent wrote:

“But do you mean it?” 


“Once there was a church that ran out of things to do. They had done all the hymns and said all the prayers over and over. They knew the festivals by heart and could recite psalms without looking or thinking. So they decided to celebrate the only thing left: each other. Every week they celebrate one person. So many people are joining, it seems they’ll never get done with what they’re doing.” –Herbert Brokering, “I Openers”.


Happy Anniversary! Thank you for your commitment to welcoming all poeple into God's family.Last month seven of our Rejoicing Spirits host sites celebrated the anniversary of their first service! Here’s a few tips about how you can make your Rejoicing Spirits worship anniversary a lively celebration.

Some Tips

This month’s celebration of 30 days of prayer takes a little different turn than last year. Our theme is still gratitude, but this year we’ve asked a few members of Mosaic’s staff from across the nation to submit prayers of things that they are grateful for.

Save the Date: RS Digital Conference, Oct. 15, 2016

We hope you will join us for our very first Rejoicing Spirits digital ministry conference! Mosaic and Rejoicing Spirits will host an interactive webinar to give all our host site leaders and volunteers the opportunity to come together to share successes, goals and learn more.
